Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday 12/4/09

Today I slept in a felt soooo good. I woke up slowly and was out the door by 10:20am.

Riding my bike to the gym is fun. Something about it makes me feel much younger, in a good way. I'm trying to get to a point where I don't get tired when I ride it, even on an incline. I'll keep you posted on that progress...

I ran 2.5 miles today, and spent 15 minutes on the stair master. I know I can do better than this. At one point I was running an hour a day. Up to 3 miles without stopping. This was a huge feat for me. Now, I am down to 1 mile before I stop :( I shall get back up to that point!

I skipped breakfast. Bad, I know. It was only because I woke so late a zipped on over to the gym right away. For lunch I made a tofu, zucchini and tomato stir fry. Topped it with a little cheese. Seasoned it with some basil..mmmmmm. Delicious. I'm trying to find ways to eat tofu that I find edible. If not prepared correctly, tofu is........nasty. I said it. Its bland and squishy and my instincts tell me to walk away. But, I am easing into it.

I was starved while I was preparing it so I tried to snack on some healthy items: A piece of whole wheat toast and two spoons full of cottage cheese with pineapple.

Patrick ( my boyfriend) and I decided to go to the movies that afternoon. I packed 3 rice cakes to replace popcorn snacking. I love rive cakes. Only 40 calories each! That's a deal. Since I was doing good with my calorie intake for the day, I indulged in a hot dog. It was yummy.

That movie was scary! It think it was called a Fourth Kind? In a nutshell, people get abducted by aliens. Its supposed to be based on a true story, which I plan on researching independently. Which may be a bad idea since I tend to be a very big scardy cat. Scaredy? You get it. I will undoubtedly be very paranoid and be expecting aliens to come and take me in the middle of the night. Oh, especially when Patrick isn't home. Yep, that's when they'd do it....

After that frightful movie I was due for a nap. I work graveyard, so naps are essential. When I woke, I prepared a lunch for work. Now, I know that eating late at night is bad, but since I work graveyard my body tends to scream at me for food. I become short tempered. My hands start to shake. I get heat flashes. Worse, the chocolate stash and cookies call my name. So, to remedy that I pack things that are good for me:

Banana chips ( which I am not 100% sure is a good option)
the leftovers of my tofu mixture
some sugar free jello with a little fat free whip cream.

Surprisingly, whip cream doesn't really have all that much sugar. I don't feel that guilty for eating it.

And of course, I am trying to drink the adequate amount of water each day, so I packed my water jug. 64 ounces are recommended each day. I have 16 to go..

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