Friday, September 17, 2010

Isnt she adorable? Well, I adore her.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Once upon a time I wanted to be a writer. I used to write poetry on a daily basis. I was just thinking about that time in my life and wanted to delve into that thought I guess. I remember I used to find my words easily and I gained some satisfaction from creating this little world of mine with words. Finding a way to intertwine thoughts of life into one piece of work. I think thats why I appreciate music so much and I still sometimes envy their ability to express thoughts and experiences and stories so eloquently. I don't doubt my chosen path, but I still get the writing itch and it just doesn't come as easily anymore. And most of the time my mind is on work, school, chores or my stress and I don't feel all too poetic about that. Maybe I should.

Sometimes things that I watch trigger my need to write. I was watching the other day and there was a guest that really moved me. She is an activist for the women victims in the Congo. For those unaware, there is much unrest and brutality in that region. Rapes are commonplace and little is being done about it. Soldiers will often rape the women in entire villages and in public. Some of them children as young as 5. These soldiers have been told that in order to win the war that they are fighting, they must have sex with women to make the "magic potion" work. Since they don't really have access to women on a regular basis, well, they must rape. They are doing it for the good of their country. Unbelievable. It really saddens me and also makes me question this world we live in.

This women who was speaking gave a heartfelt plea for people to become more aware of these women who are still enduring such atrocities. She spoke of how she went to the white house to speak with Michelle Obama to help her with having a voice to support these women and the response given was that this was not the First Lady's forte and that she was focusing on obesity. This women who was speaking is also a cancer patient and maintains that these women in the Congo are keeping her alive because she feels that she must stay alive for them. She says this with tears in her eyes.

It just moved me. The compassion. That true connection with other people who you perhaps would never relate to but do because they are human and living in this world too. That realization that things could be much worse than how you have it and that you have the ability to change someone's life in a positive way.

Suffice to say, it was a moving plea. And it reminded me that one of the most important things in life is to be good to those around you. Anyhoo, after watching it I was inspired to write and so I did. This is a lengthly post. :)

The atrocities are great

And seemingly never ending

and the people are waiting

waiting for us to take notice

and take on inadequacies with raised fists

and make noise with protest

and cry out in the name if unrest

and stomp our feet with anger

and push forward despite danger

and demand justice

and shout ‘we will not accept this!’

and create real change

not just that slogan that seems so far out of range

and the people, they need our tears too

and open hearts to be witness

to all that they have been through

and the people, no matter the color

No matter the religion

No matter sexual orientation

No matter the borders

Just want to be done with this rat race

The people just want to be free

To live, love, and be