Monday, May 31, 2010

A day of exploration

Pat and I have been on a bike hunt. I know, I know. We already have pretty beach cruisers. The truth of the matter is that we dont cruise the beach all too often. Using them as commuter bikes is tiresome. So, we are on the prowl for road bikes. Pat bought one today in Solvang. It is about 40 minutes north of Santa Barbara and is a nice scenic drive along the coast. Solvang itself is a little destination spot with interesting architecture. While there we did some wine tasting! It was our first wine tasting experience. Im glad we did it on a whim. Pat doesn't even really like wine, but didn't complain one bit. Oh, how I love him.

Here are are soon to be ex bikes. RIP. I shall miss your beauty

Now, before our little adventure I had to take care of some business for school. It involved documentation that I visited an art museum. Since Santa Barbara has it's very own art museum with free admission, it seemed the practical choice. Pat was a little upset at some of statues. I'll let you guess which ones bothered him most :)

Overall, a very good day. I woke up grumpy for a graveyard shift due to lack of sleep, but these pictures made me happy again.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

That feeling..

Do you ever get that overwhelmed feeling? The kind that keeps you up and makes you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day, not enough money in your bank account, not enough quality time with people who matter most?

I wish I can get away from Santa Barbara to spend quality time with my family. I want to let them know that they are always on my mind. I wish I was more successful NOW so that I can lend my support. I fear I will never meet my own expectations.

I am trying to remind myself that I just need to take in one. day. at. a time.

Staying in school has been a financial struggle and starting next session, it is only going to get worse.

I wish I had a money tree.

So, a content sleep evades me as I try to make my dreams come true.
Here is my progress:
Updating my website as I type this.
Advertising underway.
Fresh new Craigslist ad
New lens to awe
refreshed self determination

Must. Stay. Focussed.

I thank God for Patrick. He is like my safety blanket. At the risk of making a strange comparison, the comfort I feel from my mother is similar to what I feel with him. It's the feeling of home. And he consoles me when I freak out over the smallest of things.

Tomorrow I shall go running. When I run, I feel all of the stress toxins leave my body and I am a better me.

I am totally happy about a new lens, mostly because the depth of field is awesome. I tested it on the most random things, like :

See how the background isn't distracting? I'm in love.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Goals Goals Goals

My business has to get going. This is what I have decided. It's all dependent on my self motivation. Continuing my education my not be in my future due to finances, which is fine with me. I am grateful for everything I was exposed to at Brooks, and know that I would have never had such a good foundation had it not been for Brooks.

So, game face is on. I need to do at least one thing daily to promote the development of my business.

First thing on my agenda: update website.