Monday, July 19, 2010

Portrait of a loved one

My first assignment was to take a portrait of a loved one without them being present in the photo. It could be someone alive or of someone who has already passed on.

I decided almost right away that I would take a picture of my grandmother. It's one of my deepest regrets that I had not discovered photography sooner so that I could have captured her beauty. So, this was a perfect opportunity to make up for it, in some way. My abuelita. I miss her so much. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her. I wish with all my heart that I could still talk to her. I wish that I could give her the biggest hug and kiss her cool cheeks. She was a center of my life, and still is. So, here is the closest I get to how I see her...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New session begins..

This is my first week of class and I am actually quite excited. I am in the dreaded ADV311 class. This is a commercial advertising class that I have been putting off because of it's reputation. It's supposed to be one of those classes that makes you so busy you don't have time to sleep. I've seen the side effects of this class from other students. Most forget to brush their hair and they have a wild look in their eyes while walking around our campuses. I had my first class this week and I walked out of the class feeling inspired. I have a feeling that this class will be good for my spirit. While I realize that it will test my limits, I am looking forward to it. We don't pay top dollar to be bored with school.
In other news, I have been on a hunt for a part time job to help with my tuition funds. It's somewhat difficult to find something that will work around my full time job and my full time school schedule. I just took up an offer to help campaign for John Hager, who is trying to get on the ballot to run for congress. He is an Independent, non partisan candidate. My job is to collect signatures to try to get him on the ballot. I work during my own hours. I just have to go out into the public and get them! We will see how this goes....

Monday, July 12, 2010

And so it begins..

I've been missing in action and enjoying my summer break. Tomorrow it's back to school :( I am a tad bit worried about how I will manage working two jobs and going to school full time, but it must be done. I just keep chanting in my head, six sessions left. Six sessions left. Six sessions left. I just feel so lazy...
But, here we go....