Monday, June 14, 2010

Finals week

It's finals week. This means that I am one high stressed girl running like a chicken without a head. Just. Breathe....

I shot my first wedding this weekend. So glad I have that under my belt. What a relief. I couldn't have asked for a more patient and willing bride and groom. I couldn't have asked for better weather. I couldn't have asked for more perfect lighting environments. I couldn't have asked for a better state of mind, given the circumstance. I did this shoot with no sleep. I clocked out of work at 7am, drove to Riverside and was shooting by 10am. I shot the wedding and afterwards drove straight to Santa Barbara. I had time to take a shower, and then headed to work by 11pm. Needless to say, I was a zombie. But I survived and was able to accomplish everything I had planned for the day, and I am so grateful. I always make it work, somehow.

What a beautiful little wedding. The images from the wedding keep distracting me from editing my pictures for school!

K. Time to get to work. Here is a little preview..

Monday, June 7, 2010


Natalie and I visited this cafe for some lunch. Very cool place that was built in the late 1800's. I guess I didn't realize Summerland was that old. While there, we made a list of all the things we haven't done in Santa Barbara that we need to do before her upcoming graduation. Just talking about it made us cry. While it makes me very sad that two of my best friends will be leaving home soon, I have to be joyful that they are both accomplishing what we all set out to do. Time to move on to the next stage and develop their careers in the photography industry.

Afterwards, we visited this antique shop. I think the cheapest thing I saw was priced at $300. Beautiful items, but very expensive.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Crunch time..

So, I have about 10 days until all of my assignments are due for school. Yikes! I need to start shooting like a madman. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. Hopefully....

I visited my family on Monday! It was much needed. I cooked a salmon, rice and veggie dinner for everyone. Mind you, when I first moved away from Riverside I wasn't completely certain how to boil an egg. Ive made great strides in my self-efficiency arena. I actually really enjoy cooking now. Who would have ever imagined that. I remember a time when a common argument with my grandmother went something like this:

her: "Mija, when are you going to learn how to cook?"

me: "Never."

her: "Mija, what about when you get married? You'll have to cook for your husband!"

me: "Abuelita, the times are different now. My husband is going to cook for ME!"

She usually shook her head in disaproval at my response. I hope she is proud of me.

My trip home made me a bit more homesick. I can't wait to be done with school so that I can be close to the ones I love and start my farm :)

I dont get to see my niece, Elena, enough. She is growning to fast. She will be 1 year this August. She is such a beauty. She is very observant. I look forward to watching her grow..