Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Moving on..

Patrick and I moved to a new place this weekend. We are very happy with the new place mostly because it doesn't feel like we are living in a shoebox anymore. The old place was much to tiny. We even have a patio.

I think I'm becoming an old lady, and enjoying it thoroughly. I planted some plants and spread some Morning Glory seeds along the fence in our patio. I'm excited to see if life will sprout. It was therapy for my heart and soul. Finding balance is always a chore for me, and I think that gardening is a good start. I am always needing to remind myself to take a moment to just be instead of freaking out about what I need to accomplish and the lack of time to do it.

My abuelita has been on my mind everyday, all day lately. I make homemade flour tortillas to feel closer to her. They are pretty close to tasting just like hers. I even planted some spinach today. I'll keep you posted on it's progress...

1 comment:

  1. I am right with you on struggling to find balance with a crazy life. Sometimes we get so caught up in 'doing' life, we forget to enjoy it. I sincerely hope your morning glories help you enjoy it! I miss you my Patty friend!
