Monday, August 2, 2010

A little breather..

Today was a good day. Just me and my love and the beach. This week has been a strenuous one. I've been stressing more than I should be but I feel it is unavoidable. I wish I had the capacity to let go and not be such a control freak because, well I can't control everything. I just need to learn to ride things out and leave it up to time. I know this all sounds vague, but it applies to many things on my mind right now. School. Work. Finances. Family. Photography. Health. I had a little breakdown on thursday after my 6 hour class. I dont know why critique made me so damn anxious or why it made me feel so miserable. It all came tumbling down when I went to Natalie and Dominic's house after the class ended and we started talking about the day and the tears just came pouring down.
I felt silly and couldn't quite place why I was crying. Do you ever have those moments? Maybe not. This is the crybaby in me, I think. I just felt frustrated and inadequate. Nothing I do is right. I don't have enough time. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough creativity. I don't have enough confidence. At least, this is how I felt on this day in particular. I am very grateful for Natalie and Dominic. They let me cry. They tried to talk me through it. The helped me tremendously this weekend with my shoots. They will always have a special place in my heart as my adopted family while in school. I am so sad they graduate at the end of August and will be leaving me. I will cherish the time that we spent together.
I worked like a madman to get most of my work done early so that I could spend at least one day of leisure with my love. We set up a canopy I recently bought for photography purposes on the beach and it was like our own beachfront room. We made a picnic. Sipped on some wine. Took a couple shots ;) I passed out for three hours in a deep and sound sleep. It was a much needed day. It was a happy day spent with the person who makes me so happy. My best friend. He leaves to Arizona again tomorrow, and tomorrow I go back to the hustle and probably wont get to sleep after the graveyard shift, but I feel that today helped to prepare me for that. Here is one of the pics from this weekends shoot.

1 comment:

  1. We need to be friends! I feel exactly the same way you do, today in particular! You have some awesome work and I hope we can become better friends!
